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Nine costly financial mistakes you can correct before it's too late...

Successful investors learn as much from their mistakes as they do from their successes, whereas the average Australian seems to make the same financial errors over and over again, and wonders why things don’t change.

To help place you in that successful group, let’s have a look at nine of the most common financial mistakes people make so you can avoid them.

1. Getting Caught in the Income Trap

Most Australians are caught in a rat race, believing the way to become rich is by increasing their working income. want to read more? click here

2. Saving like middle income earners

The average Australian has been taught to invest in superannuation or set aside 10% of their income to build a retirement nest egg. want to read more? click here

3. Never learning to invest

Most of us have never been taught how to save, let alone invest. want to read more? click here

4. Falling prey to easy credit

Fact is …consumer debt is too easy to get today. want to read more? click here

5. Getting advice from the wrong people 

Many people don’t realise they’re repeating the same financial patterns their parents demonstrated.  want to read more? click here

6. Trying to do it on their own

Because the property market is booming, some investors think they can buy almost any property and it will be a great investment.  want to read more? click here

7. Thinking investing is too difficult

Many people feel they can’t invest or are too busy, so they take the path of least resistance and don’t do anything. want to read more? click here

8. Making emotionally based financial decisions

We all tend to make most of our decisions based on emotions and it’s important to recognise that we do so. want to read more? click here

9.  Letting fear get in the way 

True wealth is on the other side of fear.  want to read more? click here

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