Peoples most valuable asset is their home so if you are thinking about selling that asset you want it to realise the best possible return. Things to ensure a smooth sale include:
Remember prospect buyers are buying based on the impressions they get when they visit your open house so presentation is paramount. Your property should be clean, neat and tidy. Get rid of any clutter in the house, do the washing up and empty the bins. Mend any broken glass and make any other minor repairs. Tidy up the outside making sure any lawns are mowed and gardens are kept in good order. Good presentation can mean a better price so it is worth that little bit of extra effort for a better return.
A great property will attract buyers all year round. As a rule spring and summer tends to be the best months of the year for selling property in Coffs Harbour. The holiday months are also a prime time to sell when the population swells and visitors are looking at what is on offer. Allow a couple of weeks before your property goes on the market to ensure all necessary requirements are in place.
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