A dynamic trio living the dream...
In 2003, three entrepreneurial real estate agents fulfilled their dreams by opening their own estate agency.
Jason Burnett, Tim Bynon and Mark Webb had been working together in the industry, but aspired to create a totally independent agency that offered quality, integrity and honesty to the Coffs Harbour property market across residential and rural sales, commercial sales and management and residential property management.
Today those goals have been achieved and exceeded.
The Edge Coffs Harbour has grown to be one of the strongest and most dominant real estate providers on the Coffs Coast. Under the guidance of Tim, Jason and Mark, The Edge has become the largest single, non-franchised real estate office in the region, employing 32 full-time staff and with more than $500 million of local real estate under management, sale and lease.
The Edge is also the only property agency on the Coffs Coast that offers residential and rural sales, residential property management, commercial, industrial and retail property sales, leasing and portfolio management, business brokerage and auctioneering.
While The Edge has made its mark on the real estate industry on the Coffs Coast, its achievements and continued growth make it one of the biggest success stories of any business in the region. All of this has been achieved independent of a franchise and thanks to the hard work and dedication of The Edges's close knit team.
Within their commitment to excellence,The Edge is certain to build on that success for many years to come.